I Feel Like We’ve Done This Before

Back on New Year’s Day, I excitedly proclaimed,”catch the story on the blog soon!” and friends were excited. But then, it did not (obviously) find its way to the blog. My Bad.

Have you ever wanted to stick your foot in your mouth and eat your shoe? Yeah, me too, except the problem is, I’ve already bitten off more than I can chew so shoving a shoe in there on top of it all is not going to happen. I’d choke- and then there’d be no more fun stories to tell.

For those who are new to me, and this craziness, I had a blog a while back that I would use to regale folks with stories of our adventures, the kids, and more. It was called My Captivity, and it’s still up, but woefully neglected (read: hasn’t had an update in years) Why? Because the time suck that is my life happened. You can get an idea if you check out the About Liz page by clicking here. 

So now we’re here. A fresh place, new stories, new recipes and a new commitment to just write. It may not always be funny, though plenty of funny crap happens with this bunch. Come hang with me, it’ll be a good time. And if not, then drink some wine and it’ll suddenly become more fun 😉